About pet folding products

Pet folding products include pet transparent folding box, pet frosted folding box and color printing pet folding box.


Pet has certain tenacity and tensile strength, low water absorption, good chemical stability, insoluble in general inorganic and organic solvents at room temperature.

Pet has excellent physical and mechanical properties, air tightness, processability and low temperature resistance. It is not easy to be broken, odorless, transparent and easy to be recycled. After combustion, it only produces carbon dioxide and water without polluting the environment

PET material has no folding white, the processing technology is generally extruded sheet, the surface is flat without water ripple


The thickness of PET sheet for folding is generally between 0.2mm-0.6mm, and the thickness is 0.25mm-0.60mm

 PET 裁片5

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