Blister Material PVC ,PET,HIPS ,PP,PET-G

The selection of materials for blister products is very important. It not only determines the quality of plastic products, but also determines the environmental protection function. What are the choices of plastic factory in the quality of plastic blister? Commonly used plates are: PVC, PET, PP, PS and flocking boards, gold-plated boards and anti-static boards based on this.

PVC: It is a commonly used plastic material. It is soft, resistant, and plastic. It can be made into bright and various colors. It is often used in bright PVC packaging electronics, cosmetics, toys and other products.


PET (A-PET): sturdy, tough, high-strength, glazed, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, bright and multi-colored sheet. The drawback is that PET high frequency heat sealing is more difficult and the price is much more expensive than PVC. This material generally requires the replacement of PVC by advanced and environmentally friendly users.


PS: low density (light weight), environmentally friendly, non-toxic, very good plasticity, poor resistance and brittleness, can not be made of transparent materials, so it can only be made into the bottom type of plastic, because it is very simple to break, this plastic is not Suitable for recovery

PP: The material is particularly soft, resistant, environmentally friendly, non-toxic and resistant to high temperatures. It is generally packaged as a food service or other high temperature resistant product; however, it has poor plasticity, is difficult to process, has a poor gloss on the outside, and has a light color change during processing.


PET-G: Physical properties similar to A-PET, but capable of high-frequency heat sealing, 80% more expensive than A-PET

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