Foreign Trade Has Not Changed For A Long Time

The relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Customs said recently that although the new crown pneumonia epidemic has caused a certain impact on foreign trade imports and exports for a short period of time, the development of internal foreign trade is strong, and the ability of enterprises to adapt and market is also strong. And phased. Positive results have been achieved in overcoming the epidemic prevention and control, and the pace of resumption and production of foreign trade enterprises has accelerated, and the long-term positive trend of foreign trade development has not changed.

According to statistics, in the first two months of this year, the total value of imports and exports of domestic trade in goods was 4.12 trillion US dollars, a decrease of 9.6% over the same period last year. Among them, exports were 2.04 trillion US dollars, down 15.9%; imports were 2.08 trillion US dollars, down 2.4%. Customs statistics show that in the first two months, the import and export of developing countries to ASEAN and the countries along the “Belt and Road” have maintained growth. Import and export to ASEAN was 594.11 billion, an increase of 2%. ASEAN has become the largest trading partner of developing countries. The total imports and exports of the countries along the “Belt and Road” were 1.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 1.8%, 11.4 points higher than the growth rate of developing countries ’foreign trade, accounting for 31.7%, and the proportion exceeded 30% for the first time.

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