How to solve the surface blemish and stain of PP

1) The surface finish of the mould cavity is too high, and the air is trapped on the smooth mould surface, which causes the product surface to produce spots. The surface of the cavity should be sandblasted, and additional vacuum holes can be added.
(2) Poor evacuation. Suction holes should be added. If the spots are only produced in a certain part, check whether the air vent is blocked or add air vent in the area.
(3) When the sheet containing plasticizer is used, the plasticizer gathers on the mold surface to form a spot. The following methods can be used to eliminate: use the mold with controllable temperature, and adjust the mold temperature properly.
When heating the sheet, keep the mold as far away from the sheet as possible.
Shorten the heating time properly.
Clean the mold in time.
(4) Mold temperature too high or too low. It should be adjusted properly. If the mold temperature is too high, the cooling shall be strengthened to reduce the mold temperature; if the mold temperature is too low, the mold temperature shall be increased and the mold shall be insulated.
(5) Improper selection of mold material. When processing transparent sheet, do not use phenolic resin to make mold, aluminum mold should be used. (6) The mold surface is too rough. The surface of the cavity should be polished to improve the surface finish.
(7) If the surface of sheet or mould cavity is not clean, the dirt on the surface of sheet or mould cavity shall be completely removed.
(8) There are scratches on the surface of the sheet. The surface of the sheet shall be polished and the sheet shall be stored with paper clips.
(9) The air dust content in the production environment is too high. The production environment should be purified.
(10) Too little inclination of mold release. Should be increased appropriately

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