Optical film coating process technology

The optical film is different from the ordinary protective film or tape. It has a uniform thickness and a dust-free surface and a small crystal point. This imposes higher requirements on the coating technology and requires a film thickness to be more uniform. Then, what are the technologies for the coating process of optical film, and let the electronic material supplier of the professional (Asian) (fog) PET film and optical PET film of Wantai Electronic Materials explain to you:

Optical film coatings have traditionally been prepared by vacuum evaporation, chemical deposition, plasma polymerization, etc. These methods are difficult to achieve large-scale production of roll film substrates; in modern coating processes, common coating methods are dip coating, Roll coating, slope extrusion coating, curtain coating, and the like. These coating methods are suitable for different properties of materials and coating thickness, and have their own advantages and disadvantages. The coating amount of dip coating is not easy to control, and it is greatly affected by the characteristics and temperature of the material; the thickness of the coating coated by the roller is easy to control, the coating amount is relatively easy to control, the uniformity is good, but it is greatly affected by the material characteristics. The viscosity of the material is narrower; the slope-type extrusion coating is easy to control, but the viscosity range of the material is narrow, the coating amount is too small to be coated, and the coating cannot be applied to the edge, resulting in waste of the substrate; Drop curtain coating is a pre-measured coating method, which is easy to operate, and the thickness of the longitudinal and transverse coatings is very uniform. The coating has no scratches, streaks and orange peel, but the curtain is easily affected by factors such as the speed of the vehicle. Therefore, stabilizing the curtain is a big problem.

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