Prospects for the development of PET polyester film

The emergence of PET materials has led to rapid development of food packaging. The first company to use PET bottles to package refreshing beverages was the US Coca-Cola Company, which replaced a 1-liter glass bottle with a 1.5-liter PET bottle, which resulted in a 27% increase in retail sales. After that, the food and beverages packaged in PET containers have gradually become popular “hot items”. The light weight and firmness of the PET container has attracted customers and has been welcomed by the market. Another advantage of PET materials is that they can be formed into any shape (good applicability), and can also be processed into a color that suits people's tastes, and can be printed on text and graphics.

Packaging Materials For food manufacturers, packaging materials and containers that can replace glass and tin cans have been explored for more than 30 years, and polyester film is the best material available today. It has a light weight feature that reduces shipping costs. But not every PET polyester film is suitable for food packaging. A certain chemical in the packaging material will migrate too much into the contents of the packaging container. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic containers have quickly become an unwelcome material due to environmental concerns.

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