Sheets are pre-stretched unevenly during processing

(1) The thickness of the sheet is uneven. It is necessary to adjust the technological conditions of production and control the thickness uniformity of the sheet. When hot forming, it should be heated slowly.
(2) The sheet is not evenly heated. The heater and screen should be checked for damage.
(3) There is a large airflow in the production site. The operation site shall be shielded.
(4) The distribution of compressed air is uneven. The air distributor shall be set at the air inlet of the pre stretching box so that the wall at the corner is too thin
(1) Improper selection of molding process. The technology of expanding plug can be used instead.
(2) The sheet is too thin. Thicker sheets shall be used instead.
(3) Uneven heating of sheets. The heating system shall be checked, and the temperature of the part to form the corner of the product shall be lower. Before pressing, some cross lines can be drawn on the sheet to observe the material flow during forming, so as to adjust the heating temperature.

(4) Mold temperature is uneven. It should be adjusted to be uniform.
(5) Improper selection of production materials. Raw materials should be replaced

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