Under what circumstances is pvc toxic

The PVC material itself is not toxic. If it is not fully polymerized monomers or degradation products, it contains certain toxicity. Under high temperature and ultraviolet radiation, polyvinyl chloride will degrade. At this time, if people use it again, degradation will occur. After the manufacture of PVC plastic, it is easy to cause damage to the internal system of the human body, thereby causing hepatic angiosarcoma.

1. Due to the lack of characteristics of PVC materials, people need to add a lot of additives to stabilize PVC plastics. In fact, pure PVC plastics are not toxic, but after people add a lot of additives to modify them, PVC plastics are more common. Toxic substances are chemically reacted under the comprehensive action of various additives, that is to say, these additives can make PVC plastic into a softer chemical additive phthalein. After using a large amount of PVC plastic, it will affect the kidneys, liver, etc. The impact is very large.

2. PVC plastic includes urea formaldehyde and melamine formaldehyde. If we process and manufacture PVC plastic, their reaction is not complete, which will cause a large amount of free formaldehyde to remain in PVC plastic. This formaldehyde is also a kind of The original pulp of cells is poisonous. If a bowl made of PVC material is used to contain hot food, the human body will easily cause the deterioration of certain cells after consumption, which is not good for human health, and the PVC plastic contains chlorine. When we burn it, It will produce a toxic substance and pollute the environment.

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