WTO Director-General Calls For Global Solution To Deal With Trade Decline

On March 25th local time, the Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Azevedo, called on a video recorded at home, calling on countries to adopt a global solution to the sharp decline in global trade caused by the epidemic. He said that in the face of the global challenges brought about by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, cross-border trade and investment play an important role and will be crucial to promoting economic recovery after the epidemic is over.

Azevedo said: No country can be self-sufficient, no matter how powerful or advanced it is. Trade can effectively produce and supply basic goods and services, medical supplies and equipment, and food and energy. Keeping trade and investment flowing is the key to ensuring adequate supplies and reasonable prices.

WTO economists are analyzing the consequences of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and will announce their findings and trade forecasts for 2020 and 2021. Although it is weeks before the report was released, Azevedo said economists "expect a sharp decline in trade."

Azevedo also pointed out that when the health crisis begins to recede, trade will help countries grow together and bring a faster and stronger economic recovery for all. The WTO will also do its part

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